
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What's With the Donate Tab???

Some of you very observant folks may have noticed the new "Donate" tab to the right of the blog. It's new! Isn't it nice? ;)

As Josh and I learn more and more about the process of adoption, we realize what a major obstacle the cost is. As we get further along into the process, we will be more specific with our fundraising goals, but for now let's just say we have a loooong way to go!!! We are confident that the Lord will totally provide what is necessary to bring our child home, but we are also realistic in the fact that we can't do it alone.

I have heard people say before, "If you can't afford to adopt, you shouldn't do it." And if that is your particular train of thought, let me respond with this: Adoption is not the responsibility of the rich, it is the responsibility of the church. We are told in the Bible;

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
-James 1:27

Before Josh and I felt called to adopt ourselves, there were plenty of opportunities to "look after orphans" in other ways, whether it be sponsoring a child in Africa or donating to someone's adoption fund. It is very surreal to be the ones actually looking to adopt one of those orphans ourselves!!!

While Josh and I may be in the position to bring a child into our home and care for him or her properly, we do not have the $20,000 in cash (and that's a domestic adoption!) that adoption requires in this country.

We have a LOT of creative ideas to raise money for this adoption, and we know our family and friends will do everything they can to support us, even if it is just in prayer! I am so excited to see how God provides, but am totally prepared to work very hard the next few months!

So, to summarize, the Donate tab you now see to the right of your screen is there because we are accepting donations to fund the adoption of a child. We hope you stay tuned to see how we get creative in raising money to bring this little one home! And spread the word about our blog, we have been amazed at the connections we've made already!

Thank you so much for your support and love during this faith walk!!!

1 comment:

  1. Adoption is not the responsibility of the rich, it is the responsibility of the church.

    I love that!!! We have seen the Lord provide in a truly miraculous way in our lives~ praying your blessings will astound you...I can't wait to watch your story of his provision unfold! Hugs :)
