
Sunday, February 12, 2012


I wanted to give everyone an update on the process and kind of explain where we're at and where we're going. This whole process is such a mix of emotions all the time. I feel that it is flying by and crawling by all at the same time! Much like a pregnancy. :)

Josh and I had our last homestudy appointment last week. We went over our Temperment Analysis Tests and what they mean and how our personalities "mesh" with one another. I think it was definitely my least favorite of our meetings! It was like someone holding up a mirror and pointing out all my flaws. Uncomfortable for sure. I think it was definitely good for us both, but not the most fun I've ever had! Basically we discovered that Josh and I could not be more different on paper, but it is obvious to us that God really orchestrated our match and we very much compliment each other's personalities. We balance each other out, and while sometimes our differences create conflict, what makes us different from one another is also why we love and are attracted to each other!

Our case worker told us to get to work on our Match Letter, and that I did! I worked for hours on it all week, and finished it on Friday! I am really happy with it, and am excited to post it here on the blog once it is approved by the agency and we get it printed out. Right now, we are waiting for a few things. Our agency meets together once a month to officially "approve" couples for the Match Book. They discuss our case and either recommend us for adoption or recommend us for more time and counseling before approving us. Our caseworker doesn't see any issues arising in getting approved to go into the Match Book, but you never know. They will be meeting sometime in the next couple of weeks, and once we are officially approved, we get to enter the Match Book!

We have to turn in 60 (yes you read that right, 60!) copies of our Match Letter to the agency for them to put in all of their books throughout the state. We will pay our next fee, which is $1500, and then...we wait for the call. We wait for a call that says either a mother has picked us and would like to meet with us to discuss an adoption plan, or a call that says a baby has already been born and we've been chosen. It can happen at any time after going into the Match Book. They tell couples to expect to wait a year, but it could also happen in a matter of days or weeks!

We are very much having to totally give this over to God. One of the issues we talked about in our last meeting was my desire to be in control, and how hard it is for me to let go of that. Josh said that he thinks this process has been really good for me, as there are so many things out of my control. I do what I can when I can, but there are some things I just have to let happen. I did the absolute best I could on our Match Letter! But I have no control over how long it will take the agency to approve us or how fast we can get put in the Match Book. I just have to sit back and wait. And that's okay! Only God knows when our baby will be born and ready to come into our lives! He or she might be a long ways off! I have to trust God's timing and just enjoy life while we wait.

We still have two more adoption classes to finish, and since the next one falls on Valentine's Day, that is still three weeks off. We also have quite a ways to go in our fundraising efforts. As I have said before, the remainder of our fees are due upon placement of the baby. We are just praying that God will continue to provide what we need, when we need it! He has been completely faithful in this process and we trust Him with all of it.

We're right in the middle of our Raffle and tickets are selling really well! We have some WONDERFUL prizes and I am so excited to see who wins them! If you haven't bought your tickets yet, now is the time! We will be announcing the winners on Wednesday, February 29th at the Ghenghis Grill at Arrowhead. We are waiting for the restaurant to send us the flier so we can post it and send it out to everyone, because whoever shows up with a flier that day will earn us 20% of their total bill, which is awesome!

Okay, prayer requests! Please, as always, be in prayer for our birth mom. Pray God will grant her wisdom and peace right now. Please pray for our little one, that God will protect them and bring them home safely. Pray for me and Josh to have patience while we wait for things we have no control over, and to just enjoy our lives and not worry about things. Pray that this process will continue to go really smoothly, and we won't experience any major hiccups down the road. Pray that we will be able to raise the funds neccesary to bring our little one home!

Thank you again for all your support and love! We are very much enjoying this journey and hope that you can see God working through it! Stay tuned for more updates!

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