
Friday, March 9, 2012

We Hold On to You

Recently a fellow Baby Loss Mama asked me if she could use Lily's pictures and name in a video they were creating for Owl Love You Forever.  I was honored to be a part of it so of course I agreed, not really knowing what the video might look like.

The following video "We Hold On To You" was created by Hosanna Wong alongside Owl Love You Forever to bring awareness to the community of Baby Loss. You can read Shayla's post here and also visit this website to learn more about what you can do to help make a difference and show your support for the cause.

Losing a baby is a tragedy that is unfortunately all too common. What isn't common, however, is talking openly about this kind of loss. The topic is uncomfortable at best, taboo at worst. Those of us who have lost a child in this manner are silenced by society's unwillingness to talk about the reality of miscarriage and stillbirth. I guarantee you know someone who has suffered through this, even though they may be suffering in silence. By opening up about Baby Loss, we are hoping conversations will start and healing will follow. We are hoping it will  create a world where it's okay to talk about your loss, to share your pain, to open up about your experience. We are hoping more people will begin to understand the hurt, the pain, the loss we feel. We are hoping we can make a difference in the lives of those suffering by providing support and comfort from those who get it. We are hoping you'll join us in honoring our lost little ones.

Please watch the video below and share it everywhere you can. Look for a few pictures of my sweet Lily Grace and remember her with me. There are so many of us out there with a missing piece to our heart. I hope you will join the movement to make Baby Loss something we aren't afraid to talk about, so that we can begin to heal and make a difference in the lives of hurting parents.

Please visit and learn how you can support the Baby Loss community.


  1. Crying. Thank you for sharing Lily Grace with the world. Love you!

  2. Beautiful post Karen, you have such a way with words!! Thanks for doing your part in getting the word out!!
